Tooth Extractions in Newark NJ

Park Place Dental Group

Dentistry & Cosmetic and Restorative
Dentistry located in Arts Section, Newark, NJ

Decay, broken, or impacted teeth need to be removed before they start to cause oral health problems. If you need a tooth extraction in Newark, you don't need to be nervous or anxious. The team at Park Place Dental Group is experienced in performing extractions and offers local and general anesthesia to promote your utmost comfort.

Be it kids or adults; it may sometimes become necessary to remove a tooth for various reasons. Our dentists perform the extraction in newark when the tooth becomes badly damaged and cannot be repaired. If you’ve been experiencing toothache and having difficulty chewing food, you should consult a dentist.

Is Tooth Extraction in Newark Painful?

Before proceeding with the procedure, a dentist will always give you a local anesthetic via a new, unused injection to make the selected area numb. The anesthetic injection ensures that patients don’t feel any pain during the tooth extraction procedure. If you’re still scared of pain, visit Dr. Myung Hae Hyon, Dr. Lealon Robinson and Dr. Zalman Lewis. They are well-known dentists and offer a safe, pain-free, and 100% effective extraction in Newark.

Why Do I Need a Tooth Extraction in Newark?

Park Place Dental Group recommends tooth extraction for any number of reasons, including:

  • Severe decay
  • A broken tooth
  • Advanced periodontal disease

You also may need to have impacted teeth removed wisdom teeth are commonly impacted and may require removal. When your wisdom teeth are impacted, the teeth don't have enough space to break through your gums and grow normally. This can cause complications, such as cysts, an infection, or tooth loss. In other cases, extraction in Newark is an initial step to prepare your mouth for orthodontic treatment.

How Does Tooth Extraction Affect My Oral Health?

Removing a single tooth may lead to oral health problems. You may experience:

  • Problems chewing
  • Shifting teeth
  • Problems with your jaw
  • Bone atrophy

These complications can have a major impact on your dental health. To avoid problems, the team at Park Place Dental Group often discusses alternatives to tooth extraction and recommends options to replace your extracted tooth.

Things You Should Disclose Before Tooth Extraction in Newark:

Although a tooth extraction procedure is safe, the dentist might want to exercise the necessary precaution based on your medical history. To ensure you have a 100% safe procedure and experience no difficulty after the treatment, you should disclose your past and current medical history to your dentist. Besides sharing information regarding the ongoing medication, you should disclose if you have any of the following:

  • Liver disease
  • Damaged heart valves
  • Impaired immune system
  • Artificial joint
  • Congenital heart defect
  • History of bacterial endocarditis

Some patients have a particular medical condition that may make them vulnerable to infections after the treatment. If the dentist is well-aware of your medical records, it will be easier for him to suggest appropriate antibiotics for you.

What Should I Expect During Tooth Extraction Treatment in Newark?

The team at Park Place Dental Group does their utmost to ensure your comfort, providing anesthesia services onsite. Your dentist typically uses a local anesthetic to numb your tooth, jaw bone, and gums when extracting a single tooth.

However, general anesthesia is an option if you feel anxious about having a tooth removed and would prefer to be asleep during the process. If you've been administered local anesthesia, you feel a lot of pressure as your dentist extracts your tooth but no pain. This pressure is caused by the doctor firmly rocking your tooth to widen the socket for removal. If you do feel pain at any time during the extraction, tell the team right away.

You don't need to suffer from a problem tooth. Park Place Dental Group offers tooth extractions in Newark to ensure your utmost comfort.

What to Expect Post Tooth Extraction Procedure?

After the procedure of Extraction in Newark, you may feel little pain in and around the operative area. In such cases, take the pain killers that your dentist will suggest. Try limiting your activity for the next 2-3 days, and try to have soft food (banana, soup, etc.). While it's normal to feel little pain after tooth extraction, you should immediately call your dentist if the pain becomes severe and you start experiencing nausea, cough, swelling in the operative area, or signs of infection.

Visit our Dentist for Tooth Extraction in Newark:

For a seamless tooth extraction in Newark, you can visit the Park Place Dental group where seasoned professionals like Dr. Myung Hae Hyon, Dr. Lealon Robinson and Dr. Zalman Lewis practices. The Park Place Dental clinic is run by a team of passionate dental health experts that have carried out several tooth extraction procedures with a 100% success rate. You can book a consultation, call at the clinic for a safe, effective, and painless tooth extraction procedure.


Conditions & Treatments

Park Place Dental Group
60 Park Place, 1107
Arts Section
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: 973-732-3208
Fax: 973-732-3207
Monday Closed
Tuesday 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday Closed
Friday By Appointment Only
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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